Showing posts with label mesos. Show all posts
Showing posts with label mesos. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Mesos/Kubernetes: How to install and run Kubernetes on Mesos with your local cluster?

First of all, let me share with you my test environment:
(1) CentOS 7.1.1503 (nodes = hdp1, hdp2 and hdp3)
(2) HDP 2.3.2 (re-using the installed Zookeeper)
(3) Docker v1.8.3
(4) golang 1.4.2
(5) etcd 2.1.1

The official documentation for Kubernetes-Mesos integration can be found here. It uses Google Compute Engine (GCE), but this blog entry will share about deploying Kubernetes-Mesos integration on a local cluster.

Ok, let's begin...


(1) A working local Mesos cluster
NOTE: To build one, please refer to this.

(2) Install Docker on ALL nodes.
(a) Make sure yum has access to the official Docker repository.
(b) Execute "yum install docker-engine"
(c) Enable docker.service with "systemctl enable docker.service"
(d) Start docker.service with "systemctl start docker.service"

(3) Install "golang" on the node which you wish to install and deploy Kubernetes-Mesos integration.
(a) Execute "yum install golang"

(4) Install "etcd" on a selected node (preferably on the node that host the Kubernetes-Mesos integration for testing purposes).
(a) Execute "yum install etcd"
(b) Amend file "/usr/lib/systemd/system/etcd.service" (see below):
ExecStart=/bin/bash -c "GOMAXPROCS=$(nproc) /usr/bin/etcd"
ExecStart=/bin/bash -c "GOMAXPROCS=$(nproc) /usr/bin/etcd --listen-client-urls --advertise-client-urls http://[node_ip]:4001"
[node_ip] = IP Address of the node (hostname -i)

(c) Reload systemctl daemon with "systemctl daemon-reload".
(d) Enable etcd.service with "systemctl enable etcd.service".
(e) Start etcd.service with "systemctl start etcd.service".


Build Kubernetes-Mesos

NOTE: Execute the following on the node selected to host the Kubernetes-Mesos integration.
cd [directory to install kubernetes-mesos]
git clone
cd kubernetes


Export environment variables

(1) Export the following environment variables:

export KUBERNETES_MASTER_IP=$(hostname -i)
export MESOS_MASTER=[zk://.../mesos]
export PATH="[directory to install kubernetes-mesos]/_output/local/go/bin:$PATH"

[zk://.../mesos] = URL of the zookeeper nodes (Eg. zk://hdp1:2181,hdp2:2181,hdp3:2181/mesos)
[directory to install kubernetes-mesos] = Directory used to perform "git clone" (see "Build Kubernetes-Mesos" above).

(2) Amend .bash_profile to make the variables permanent.
(3) Remember to source the .bash_profile file after amendment (. ~/.bash_profile).


Configure and start Kubernetes-Mesos service

(1) Create a cloud config file mesos-cloud.conf in the current directory with the following contents:
$ cat <<EOF >mesos-cloud.conf
        mesos-master        = ${MESOS_MASTER}
If you have not set ${MESOS_MASTER}, it should be like (example) "zk://hdp1:2181,hdp2:2181,hdp3:2181/mesos".

(2) Create a script to start all the relevant components (API server, controller manager, and scheduler):

km apiserver \
  --address=${KUBERNETES_MASTER_IP} \
  --etcd-servers=http://${KUBERNETES_MASTER_IP}:4001 \
  --service-cluster-ip-range= \
  --port=8888 \
  --cloud-provider=mesos \
  --cloud-config=mesos-cloud.conf \
  --secure-port=0 \
  --v=1 >apiserver.log 2>&1 &

sleep 3

km controller-manager \
  --master=${KUBERNETES_MASTER_IP}:8888 \
  --cloud-provider=mesos \
  --cloud-config=./mesos-cloud.conf  \
  --v=1 >controller.log 2>&1 &

sleep 3

km scheduler \
  --address=${KUBERNETES_MASTER_IP} \
  --mesos-master=${MESOS_MASTER} \
  --etcd-servers=http://${KUBERNETES_MASTER_IP}:4001 \
  --mesos-user=root \
  --api-servers=${KUBERNETES_MASTER_IP}:8888 \
  --cluster-dns= \
  --cluster-domain=cluster.local \
  --contain-pod-resources=false \
  --v=2 >scheduler.log 2>&1 &

Since CentOS uses systemd, you will hit this issue. Hence, you need to add the "--contain-pod-resources=false" to the scheduler (in bold above).

(3) Give execute permission to the script (chmod 700 <script>).
(4) Execute the script.


Validate Kubernetes-Mesos services
$ kubectl get pods
# NOTE: Your service IPs will likely differ
$ kubectl get services
NAME             LABELS                                    SELECTOR   IP(S)          PORT(S)
k8sm-scheduler   component=scheduler,provider=k8sm         <none>   10251/TCP
kubernetes       component=apiserver,provider=kubernetes   <none>     443/TCP
(4) Lastly, look for Kubernetes in the Mesos web GUI by pointing your browser to http://[mesos-master-ip:port]. Go to the Frameworks tab, and look for an active framework named "Kubernetes".

Kubernetest framework is registered with Mesos

Let's spin up a pod

(1) Write a JSON pod description to a local file:
$ cat <<EOPOD >nginx.yaml
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: nginx
  - name: nginx
    image: nginx
    - containerPort: 80
(2) Send the pod description to Kubernetes using the "kubectl" CLI:
$ kubectl create -f ./nginx.yaml
Submitted pod through kubectl
(3) Wait a minute or two while Docker downloads the image layers from the internet. We can use the kubectl interface to monitor the status of our pod:
$ kubectl get pods
nginx     1/1       Running   0          14s
(4) Verify that the pod task is running in the Mesos web GUI. Click on the Kubernetes framework. The next screen should show the running Mesos task that started the Kubernetes pod.
Mesos WebGUI shows active Kubernetes task

Mesos WebGUI shows that the Kubernetes task is RUNNING
Click through "Sandbox" link of the task to get to the "executor.log"

An example of "executor.log"

Connected to the node where the container is running

Getting Kubernetes to work on Mesos can be rather challenging at this point of time.

However, it is possible and hopefully, over time, Kubernetes-Mesos integration can work seamlessly.

Have fun!

Saturday, September 12, 2015

Running Apache Spark on Mesos

Running Apache Spark on Mesos is easier than I thought!

I have 3 nodes at home (hdp1, hdp2 and hdp3) which are running Hortonworks Data Platform (HDP). I have HDFS, Zookeeper and Spark installed on the cluster.

To test running Spark on Mesos, I decided to reuse the cluster for simplicity's sake.

All I did was:
(1) install Mesos master on node hdp1.
(2) install Mesos slave on node hdp2 and hdp3.
(3) configure the master and slaves accordingly.

(i) For more information about the installation and configuration of Mesos, you can refer to this blog entry.
(ii) I reuse Zookeeper that was installed with HDP.

Once Mesos is up and running, I decided to carry out a very simple test that is described as follow:
(1) Use "spark-shell" as the Spark client to connect to the Mesos cluster.
(2) Load a sample text file into HDFS.
(3) Use spark-shell to perform a line count on the loaded text file.

First, let's see what is the command that you can use to connect spark-shell to a running Mesos cluster.

TIPS: All you need to do is to use the "--master" option to point to the Mesos cluster at "mesos://<IP-or-hostname of Mesos master>:5050".

Then, let's load a sample text file into HDSF using the "hadoop fs -put" command.

Once the sample text file is loaded, let's create a spark RDD using it.

TIPS: You can use the "sc.textFile" function and points it to "hdfs://<namenode>:8020/<path to file>".

After the RDD is created, let's run a count on it using the "count()" function.

You can see from the screenshot above and below that, Spark (through Mesos) has submitted 2 tasks that are executed on node hdp2 and hdp3 respectively.

You can also see from the screenshot above that the end result is returned as "4" (which means 4 lines in the file - which is correct!).

So, that is how easy it is to run Spark on Mesos.

Hope that you are going to try it out!

Friday, February 27, 2015

Apache Mesos: When All Becomes One

First of all, for the benefits of those unfamiliar with Apache Mesos, this is the "what is" taken from its official website:

What is Mesos?

A distributed systems kernel

Mesos is built using the same principles as the Linux kernel, only at a different level of abstraction. The Mesos kernel runs on every machine and provides applications (e.g., Hadoop, Spark, Kafka, Elastic Search) with API’s for resource management and scheduling across entire datacenter and cloud environments.

Beside the fact that I have always wanted to learn a technology that can merge all the resources available on my multiple machines into one, I am out to learn Apache Mesos for the following 2 reasons (currently):
(1) Google Kubernetes
(2) Docker

Installing Apache Mesos isn't too hard if you follow the instruction available on its official website, but I would like to share an alternative installation method which I found is more straightforward:

* Instructions only suitable for RHEL/CentOS 6 (tested on CentOS 6.6). For other platforms, refer here.
** Run all instructions as 'root' user for simplicity.

(1) On the node or VM image that you would like to designate as the Master and all slave nodes, execute the following command to create the Mesosphere repository:

rpm -Uvh

(2) On the Master and all the slave nodes, install Mesos:

yum -y install mesos

(3) Even though you only plan to have a single Master node, it is advisable to install Zookeeper (just in case you want to expand in the future):

rpm -Uvh 

yum -y install zookeeper-server

* You can install the Zookeeper server on either the Master node (preferred for ease of maintenance) or any of the slave node.
** You need to have Java installed for Zookeeper to work properly.

(4) On the Master node, initialize Zookeeper:

service zookeeper-server init 

echo 1 | sudo tee -a /var/lib/zookeeper/myid >/dev/null

(5) On the Master node, stop and disable mesos-slave:

initctl stop mesos-slave

cd /etc/init/ 

mv mesos-slave.conf mesos-slave.disable

(6) On all the slave nodes, stop and disable mesos-master:

initctl stop mesos-master

cd /etc/init/ 

mv mesos-master.conf mesos-master.disable

(7) On the Master node, set the IP address:

echo <IP of the Master node> | sudo tee /etc/mesos-master/ip

(8) On the Master node, set the name of the cluster:

echo <cluster name> | sudo tee /etc/mesos-master/cluster 

(9) On the Master and all slave nodes, set the URL of the Zookeeper server:

echo zk://<IP of the Zookeeper server>:2181/mesos | sudo tee /etc/mesos/zk

(10) On all the slave nodes, set their respective IP address:

echo <IP of the Slave node>  | sudo tee /etc/mesos-slave/ip  

(11) On the Master node, restart mesos-master and Zookeeper (if it is installed there):

service zookeeper restart 

initctl restart mesos-master

(12) On all the slave nodes, restart mesos-slave:

initctl restart mesos-slave

(12) Verify that the Master is running and all slaves are registered with it:

http://<IP of the Master node>:5050

When the Master is first initialized
When the first slave joined
When the second slave joined
When the third slave joined
All the slaves